
Why do I teach?

I teach for multiple reasons.  First, I love helping and guiding others through both music and life.  Seeing someone’s ‘lightbulb moment’ when things click is one of the greatest gifts I have found, and teaching is a way to access and experience these moments.  Secondly, teaching is a fantastic way to learn about oneself.  Every time I get to teach I’m learning as much if not more than what I am communicating to a student.  

What does teaching mean to me?

Teaching to me means to help a student learn about themselves as both a student and a person, that as a teacher education is about the journey we are on with our students.  I believe education is an all encompassing process for both students and teachers, this means that teaching is not a one-way-street either.  As a teacher it is important to also be a receiver of knowledge.

What kind of relationship do I want to have with a student?

I strive to achieve a balance between friend and mentor with all my students, as I believe the rapport of a friendly relationship can help a student feel more comfortable with allowing themselves to learn and engage with me as a mentor. 

Photography by Lynn Donovan

Photography by Lynn Donovan